Okay, so that WAS my life. Great, right? Sooo many people believe that having a baby as a teenager is TERRIBLE, but I was nothing but excited, once the initial shock wore off. Heh. (:
This was me.
THIS was my beautiful baby girl.
I loved seeing how much she grew every time I went to the doctor. Ultrasounds, heartbeats, anything. I knew she was a girl from the very beginning. I don't know how, but I just knew. She was beautiful even in black & white.
I had a sucky pregnancy though. Hyperemises, hospital visits, braxton hicks. The list just went on and on. (And on..)
Seven months into my pregnancy, Kayleigh's father dumped me for a fourteen year old. (Classy, right?)
But finally, the big night came! I had been having contractions from exactly 4:58pm, exactly three minutes apart. Around seven Barbara, and Megan came over, and they told me I had to have Kayleigh tonight. Little did we all know, that's exactly what was going to happen! I went into the hospital around eight, and they tried to send me home around midnight. (I was dying with contractions, but only two centimeters dilated.)
Then, they called my doctor, and she told me to stay.
Wow, i was huge ):
Anyways, they gave me my epidural (at two centimeters), then things REALLY started moving along. They checked on me an hour later, and I was at five centimeters, then my water broke a little later, and I was at seven. Then, the REST of my water broke, and I was at ten.
The doctor wasn't there yet, but she randomly walked in at JUST the right moment. So, I started pushing, pushed once, and OUT POPS KAYLEIGH!
Super easy delivery, I know (:
Me, Christopher, and Kayleigh (:
She was 5 pounds 8 ounces, and eighteen inches long.
She was my perfect, precious little porcelain doll.